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Strategic Management

  • To understand global perspectives and international dimensions of business operations.

  • To demonstrate effective problem-solving  through the use of analytical tools for decision-making.

  • To apply frameworks and insights gained through analysis of existing companies to create strategies your team believes will differentiate your chosen firm and provide a sustainable competitive advantage.


This course is intended as capstone management class to provide a broad overview of strategy for juniors and seniors. The objective is to focus on the fundamental and strategic takeaways that you will need to understand in the discussion of strategy.  Teamwork and group presentations are designed to enhance your education experience and learning from your peers. 


This course is based on case study method with group discussions and presentations. For the most part, lectures and textbook readings will provide the theory and key concepts of strategy and policy. Cases are assigned to reinforce problem-solving. The final focuses on allowing you to hone strategic thinking skills and set a strategy for a given company. Students are expected to be prepared and will be given participation points for contributing to class discussion.


Corporate Communications

  • To learn to think out of the box and creatively solve problems.

  • To study actual cases to build business acumen

  • To cultivate emotional intelligence, persuasion and negotiation skillsTo engage in role plays, active discussions, debates and teams to analyze and solve issues.To improve self-confidence in speaking, presenting information and structuring of arguments.


The primary objective of this course is to cultivate communication, persuasion and negotiation skills in English. There are no prerequisites for this class, however, it is assumed students have basic business knowledge and are somewhat comfortable communicating in English. This course will focus on integrating argument technique with appropriate communication and negotiation exercises in a context of current issues and events. To the extent possible, this will be class where you will be involved in role plays, active discussions, negotiations to problem solve and teams to analyze and solve issues.


International Business

This course is an elective course designed to provide greater insight into international business and issues that affect he macro-economic environment including trade, currency, global political economy as well as issues more related to the corporate strategies as companies consider expandin into international markets. It will draw upon textbook materials and focus on creating interesting class discussion. Teamwork and group presentations are designed to enhance your education experience and learning from your peers. 


This course consists of lectures, short quizzes, a case study, group discussions and presentations. For the most part, lectures and textbook readings will provide the theory and key concepts of international business and policy. Cases are assigned to reinforce problem-solving. The final focuses on allowing you to hone strategic thinking skills and set a strategy for a given company. Students are expected to be prepared and will be given participation points for contributing to class discussion.


Human Resource Management

This course examines the role of human resources and organizational behavior. Key functions include recruitment, selection, development with implications of legal and global environments and interpretation of ethically unclear situations. Students will first look at job fit and their individual approach to preparing for the workplace. Negotiation exercises will look at teamwork with emphasis on ethical decision-making in context and includes a project related to employment contracts and how company and legal policy affects benefits, gender issues in a local and global context. Organizational leadership looks at role of a change agent in problem intervention. The last case study will cover ethical decision making from a corporate perspective and financial implications in terms of scope of responsibility and social responsibility of industry.


Teaching Method

I am a believer in teaching by doing – and as a result this class and how much you learn will depend on your engagement and active participation. I have made effort to include you in the learning process and your effort, engagement and attitude will make this class a positive learning environment.

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